Yeah, I’ve been really bad this summer about keeping up my writing on a daily basis. For some reason, I just don’t seem to have the time to do it as often. Usually I do it right after lunch here at work, but the last couple days I’ve ended up having things to do in the afternoon so the website gets a little short-changed. Anyhow, let me explain why there was a lack of updating the last two days.
Tuesday was a fun in the sun day, through and through. I had work in the morning, but in the afternoon, the entire Kingland crew went to a Rochester Honkers baseball game for a company outing. We all had tickets to the party deck at the stadium as well as just going to the game. At the party deck we could eat and drink as much as we wanted too. I managed to have four bacon cheeseburgers and about 10 glasses of Diet Pepsi (I needed caffeine, but didn’t want empty calories). It was really a lot of fun as I just got to sit out on the deck, chill with Stefan, Pete, and Karen, and watch the baseball game. Afterwards, I got home, went for a run, played some basketball, played some bocce, and then eventually went to bed. Whew, that day done.
Yesterday we had a meeting most of the afternoon and I had to finish up the release notes that I was working on so I didn’t have time to throw anything up, even though I had intentions of doing so. As soon as work was I done I was at home taking a run, playing basketball and bocce, and then hitting the sack again.
I am really enjoying this nice weather that we have been having lately, mostly because I don’t have an excuse for not exercising anymore. Usually when my body would feel lazy I’d come up with some lame excuse to justify to myself why I wasn’t going for a run or something. “It’s too cold out”, “It’s raining”, “It’s getting dark out”, or “It looks like storms” are only a few of the lame ones I usually toss out to myself. With perfectly sunny and 80 degree days, I really have nothing to complain about……well, I suppose I could use the “It’s too hot out excuse”, but I usually don’t let myself get away with that one.
I hope you’re all enjoying this thought thoroughly because you might not be getting another one until Monday because I’m heading up to St. Cloud for the weekend. I thought it was about time that I went up to visit Kristin again (and I got directions from a friend online to a comic shop right on my way there that has a lot of cheap comics, so I planned on stopping quick to see if I could complete some runs I’ve been looking for).
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