Yet again I have been the victim of my own laziness and what ends up suffering? Yep, you’re correct, my weblog. I’ve just been busy trying to get this new website put together here at work before I leave. I finally have all the templates made for the layouts of all of the sections. They might need a little prettying up in the future, but I think they’ll do nicely for now. The only thing left that I really have to do now is add the content……which I have close to none of. I am clueless as to what should be put up on each page because no one gets back to me with what they want on their pages. So right now I’m stuck in the waiting game. As soon as I get a content list I can finish this site up. From the way it looks, though, it won’t be ready to launch for at least a week or two.
Well, let’s think back a little bit here……Friday was the last day I updated, huh? Ok, so we had our last improv show on Friday night. I think it went very well, although it might have ran a bit long. I think we performed for about two and a half hours or so. Afterwards most of the group went to Applebee’s (as usual). We had a group of about 20-30 in the back of the restaurant. It was an interesting meal for me because I kept thinking in the back of my mind that this might be the last time the majority of Strike Team will be together.
It came out after the show that Karl and Ryan were disappointed in the attendance and how the season went this summer. I understand how they feel because we would often have practices where few people would show up, but I still think that Strike Team should have another season next summer. Give it another go and if the attendance and dedication still isn’t there, then shut the group down or shift the leadership roles.
Anyhow, Saturday night the Gebhardt side of the family had a gathering at the Holiday Inn in Austin for my grandparents’ 50th anniversary. It’s hard to imagine that they had been together that long. What is even harder to believe is that their marriage started with their secretly eloping. Usually marriages that start off that way don’t last because the people involved do it on pure whimsy instead of actual love. This is one of the very few exceptions to the rule.
We watched a powerpoint presentation of a bunch of pictures of when my dad, uncles, and grandparents were all much younger. My uncle Jim looks exactly like Dewey from Malcolm in the Middle. My dad looked much like he does now, except a little younger. Oddly enough, my grandparents haven’t changed a whole lot either. We were also treated to many stories from my grandparents’ youth, some of the funny, some of them sad, and some simply told to show the lengths that they went to for each other. To top everything off, my grandpa surprised everyone by presenting my grandma with a diamond ring, since they never got to have anything too fancy when they were younger. Special time. I can only hope that someday I’ll be able to celebrate a 50th wedding anniversary. 50 years—that’s a long time. More than half of most people’s lives. 50 years shared together. Wow.
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