Thursday, March 09, 2006

Looking So Darn Good

Back in November there was a certain technological gadget that I most definitely wanted to get my hands on. That wonderful piece of Microsoft gaming goodness, the Xbox 360. I was ready and willing to throw down over $400 in hard earned cash for it and then contemplate forking over more dough to be able to actually buy a game or two for it.

As I went to pick one up they were sold out, which was a good thing because I don't think I really needed one but wanted it for the whiz-bang gadget factor. I read reviews of the games and the system, finding out not all of it was as good as I had hoped, but it still seemed awesome. Now, the second wave of games is on its way, along with more shipments of Xbox 360 units, both of which are tempting me yet again.

Specifically I saw some screenshots for the next Ghost Recon game. If the game looks that good while you're playing it, is fluid, and is as fun as the reviews make it sound I very well may have to re-think my latest choice to not buy one. Honestly, this game looks phenomenal and that's just from small screenshots. Imagine that on my big screen tv! It would be amazing... I hope.

I'm trying to temper myself as much as I can to not get into the "I must have latest gadget now" mindset again, but giving the next generation of games a try is kind of hard to resist. God, I'm such a nerd.

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