Wednesday, December 06, 2006

We Eat Less Cheeseburgers

So according to the United Health Foundation, Minnesota is the healthiest state in the United States. How rocking is that? I'd figure that with the frigid winter months that we have to suffer through, our laziness and penchant for staying indoors to watch television and order pizza would at least push us to the middle of the pack. Apparently there are more people than I thought in this frozen wasteland that get bored after work and go to the gym to pass the cold, winter hours away.

Now how can you really decide which state is the healthiest? According to the study, they took into account factors such as "prevalence of obesity, smoking, infectious disease, cardiovascular deaths, infant mortality, child poverty, immunization rates, workplace deaths and auto deaths." Most of those seem to be good indicators as to whether people are healthy or not, but some I question.

How does workplace deaths and auto deaths factor into overall health ratings? Unless you're working for the CDC or at a hospital, I'm sure most workplace deaths occur because of something totally beyond the dying person's control. The same goes for auto deaths. Are people getting so sick that it impairs their driving, causing them to kill themselves and others in auto wrecks? I don't know how either of these factors could be counted in a study such as this.

Whatever, though. Minnesota is the healthiest state, so suck it Iowa.

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