Holy crap, where has the first half of this month gone? I feel like August just got over. Looking back over the last couple of weeks, though, I can see why it has gone by so quickly. There was Labor Day weekend, which I spent traveling to Wisconsin for a friend's wedding. This effectively used up that Sunday and Monday, leaving me with a one day weekend over a three day weekend break. It's not a bad thing, but it kept me from feeling like I actually had a holiday break.
Then I was on vacation with my parents in the Wisconsin Dells, and I don't know about anyone else, but when it comes to vacations, my body doesn't seem to register them when keeping track of time, so essentially that week was a vortex of timelessness. I started vacation on a Friday and the Monday that I got back felt like the next Monday right after the weekend instead of a week and weekend later.
Now this week I'll be heading to Seattle for another quick vacation so I'll register even less of September passing so before I know it, October will be here and I'll just be getting ready to register September as occurring.
It's nice to have vacation time to kick back, though, especially since I haven't had one since January when I went to Jamaica. And I anticipate after Seattle I probably won't have another vacation for a while, although I'm sure I'll have to take some days off here and there lest I lose them or approach my vacation day bank limit.
Oh, and to keep things sort of busy in September, I've been playing in a kickball league and fall league ultimate frisbee has started up. On top of that I'm going to try to get my weekly poker game going again since it got suspended during summer because there was just WAY too much going on. I'm sure I'm not the busiest person out there, but every now and again I feel like it.
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