Whereas it was quite noticeable that The Ghost Inside explored a more melodic angle of the metalcore realm with their latest, Get What You Give, Gideon keep their feet firmly planted in the ass-kicking, breakdown heavy, abrasive, non-melodic metalcore realm and go heavier than they did onCosts. You'll notice quite early on that there's a menacing angle to many of the songs. For example, the guitar groove during the last chunk of "No Acceptance" is downright murky, while the many breakdowns found on the album are often void of any surrounding melodicism. The occasional melodically tinged guitar line can be heard here and there, but it is the exception, not the rule and is most noticeable in the Misery Signalsinfluenced bridge guitar lines in "Overthrow."
As with any beatdown inducing metalcore band, there is a tendency to get hit over the head with a few too many breakdowns. This is a problem here, but not as bad as with a band like, say, Emmure, who seem to write songs consisting only of open chord breakdowns. Gideon also don't fall into the trap of trying to make each breakdown heavier than the next. Yes, there are some moments where they try to go full-on gargantuan, but many times you'll find yourself treated to more traditional hardcore flavored slabs of heaviness.
In a genre that doesn't have a whole lot of potential variety to begin with, Gideon actually does a pretty solid job at making an effort to give genre fiends exactly what they're searching for--a succinct album with little filler (sorry, but "Milestone" just feel out of place and wasting time), plenty of meat, aggression to spare, and no obvious laziness in the songwriting department. There's not much more you can ask for from a modern metalcore band.
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