Wednesday, May 04, 2005

New Photo Galleries

I finally got a few more photo galleries up on my photos page. There are two new galleries. The first consists of pictures of my house from this last winter right after a snow and some of my kittens that I had to give away. The pictures of the kitties are cute and the pictures of the snow are beautiful. Check 'em out!

The second gallery is from the Butterfly Gardens that are at some special garden in Ames, Iowa. I went there with my mom when we were down to visit my brother, Randy, at ISU a few weeks back. If you like butterflies, there's pictures of a lot of different ones for you to see.

Speaking of pictures, I'm also looking at getting a new digital camera sometime soon as I'd like to have something a little smaller than the one I currently have and I'd also like one that is more than my current 2 megapixels. I'm looking at the Canon SD400 right now. It's pretty tiny, is 5 megapixels, and has tons of features that my current camera doesn't. Also, if you'd like to buy a 2 megapixel digital camera for pretty cheap, drop me an email because I'm going to be selling my current one.

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