Monday, July 17, 2006

The Final Days

Hooray! I made it through my week long caffeine cleanse alive! I can't say that I enjoyed it, but it needed to be done. The last three days were relatively good to me, which is as it should be since there would be very trace amounts of caffeine still in my system, but there was still a difference between the caffeinated Rick and the non-caffeinated Rick.

Friday I actually didn't get much sleep at all the entire night through. I was up until about 5 dealing with some personal issues I'd rather not go into because A) it has nothing to do with my caffeine purge and B) I just don't care to talk about it. So I only got a few hours of restless sleep Friday night, completely without the aid of my favorite chemical, so that was good to see. I know that I can survive and force myself to stay up without my drug of choice to help me along.

Saturday was a long day as I didn't eat anything more than a small bowl of ice cream for breakfast, I hadn't had much sleep, and all afternoon I was helping one of my friends move into his new house in 100 degree weather. For being known as a cold state, Minnesota sure doesn't go easy on us when it decides it finally wants to lay into us with some baking weather. I made it through, however, but was ready for sleep at about 9:30 or so, and actually fell asleep at my friend Hank's place while we watched the movie Waiting.

Sunday I spent catching up on house chores, watching the Twins game, and playing some basketball outside against my housemate Karl. It was another scorcher so we were utterly pooped after our game and shortly after eating some food and showering, at about 9:45 I hit the hay and was asleep until my alarm woke me up at 6:45 am this morning. Nine solid hours of sleep! That's something I could never do without caffeine. Heck, before this last week's purge, I'd rarely sleep more than 7 hours a night.

So with my purge now complete, I lovingly sipped down my morning coffee today and heartily enjoyed my afternoon Diet Coke. Oh did it ever feel so good to pollute my body once again with my chemical friend, caffeine. A week is all I can take.

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